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Image in Laravel bug

my problem : i try to show the image in Laravel using the following code

   @foreach($data as $dat)
    <p>{{ $dat->name }}</p>
    <img src="{{ Storage::url($dat->avatar) }}" alt="">
  • i have linked the storage with the public

  • this how i save the image to data base with other data

public function createUser(CreateUserRequest $request){
        // dd($request);
            $image = $request->avatar;
            $path = Storage::disk('public')->put('avatar/',$request->file('avatar'));
            $userData = $request->all();
            $userData['avatar'] = $path;
            return redirect()->back()->with('success_message','Success');

            return redirect()->back()->with('success_message','Success');
  • this is the string saved into data base

the problem that i try the same code on my laptop the image showed correctly while on the pc i don't know what is wrong


  • Run the storage link command:
    php artisan storage:link
    This ensures storage/app/public is linked to public/storage.
    Check file permissions:
    Ensure Laravel can read the stored images:
    chmod -R 775 storage/app/public
    chmod -R 775 public/storage
    Use the correct URL function:
    Instead of Storage::url(), try:
    <img src="{{ asset('storage/' . $dat->avatar) }}" alt="">
    Check server differences:
    If using XAMPP, confirm that .htaccess is allowing access.
    If using Linux, ensure the web server user (www-data for Apache) has read access to storage/app/public.