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"Kotlin Multiplatform Shared Module" Option Missing From "Create New Module" Dialog

Since updating Android Studio to Ladybug 2024.2.1 Patch 1 and Kotlin Multiplatform plugin to 0.8.3(242)-5, I'm seemingly no longer able to create a "Kotlin Multiplatform Shared Module" using the New Module Wizard (Create New Module dialog) as I'd previously been able to.

As mentioned, I'm currently using Android Studio Ladybug | 2024.2.1 Patch 1, as per the following: enter image description here And Kotlin Multiplatform plugin version 0.8.3(242)-5, as shown below:

enter image description here

My "Create New Module" dialog appears as follows: (now lacking the "Kotlin Multiplatform Shared Module" option, at the bottom of the list on the left-hand side) enter image description here

I can confirm that I've checked the "Enable experimental Multiplatform IDE features" checkbox, and restarted the IDE, as required. enter image description here

I've tried using the File -> New -> New Module... method, shown below:

enter image description here

As well as the right-click project (in Project view) -> New -> Module method, shown here:

enter image description here

Both methods of accessing the "Create New Module" dialog yield identical results - no "Kotlin Multiplatform Shared Module" option.

I can confirm that when creating a new project using the "New Project" dialog, I can see the expected Kotlin Multiplatform project types (Kotlin Multiplatform App and Kotlin Multiplatform Library), without an issue: enter image description here

I'm hopeful that I'm missing something obvious, though I suspect it's a bug. 🐛

That said, if anyone has a fix, or neat workaround, it'd be greatly appreciated!

For the moment, I'm creating new modules by building out the directory structure manually (commonMain, etc. for each target), as well as the necessary build configuration (build.gradle.kts). This works fine, but isn't as quick as the IDE convenience had been. Another method that I'm occasionally using is to copy an existing Kotlin Multiplatform module and alter it appropriately.


  • I'm pleased to report that with the latest release (Stable channel) of Android Studio (Meerkat 2024.3.1) along with the included the 0.8.4(243)-3 update to the Kotlin Multiplatform (Plugin), that I'm no longer experiencing this issue.

    Here are the specific versions I'm using (mentioned above):

    Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1: Android Studio Meerkat 2024.3.1 Kotlin Multiplatform Plugin | 0.8.4(243)-3:

    Kotlin Multiplatform Plugin 0.8.4(243)-3

    The "Create New Module" dialog/wizard - now functioning as expected for creating a Kotlin Multiplatform Shared Module: Create New Module - Kotlin Multiplatform Shared Module

    So if you're encountering this particular issue, you can presumably update to the latest version of Android Studio (on the Stable release channel) and the issue will likely disappear!