I know that this question has been posted multiple times, but most of the answers are deprecated or not valid for 2025 since SafetyNet is deprecated for new apps and Android DeviceCheck API is also deprecated. There is only the Play Integrity API available now.
How can I disable the reCAPTCHA in Firebase phone-authentication? It does not appear for Google Login or Facebook Login, just for OTP.
It works fine for the iOS app, no reCAPTCHA using the same Firebase project.
I already have:
Google Play Integrity API
with these default settings:
I also added the SHA1 and SHA-256 keys into Firebase settings:
Firebase App Check:
I have discovered that it retrieves: Failed to initialize reCAPTCHA config: No Recaptcha Enterprise siteKey configured for tenant/project *
error on the logcat. After the error, phoneAuthOptions
turns false as it can be seen in the picture:
How can I disable it?
The issue is likely due to the type of release you are using. Play Integrity won't function with Debug or Internal App Sharing, only with a valid Google Play release. Once your app is published on Google Play, reCaptcha will no longer be used, and your user will receive the message immediately.