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What does explorer show when you right-click app icon in taskbar? How to change it?

I'm trying to change the name which Windows shows when I right-click app (.exe) icon in taskbar.

enter image description here

I guessed it showed File Description in the file property. So I changed it using rcedit. But it didn't change anything.

enter image description here

I also tried to change "Product Name". It didn't change anything too.

I want to change the name. Could you help me?


  • Solved. It comes from File Description as I guessed. Windows caches the name so I cleared the cache.


    1. The name, which is shown when you right-click the app task in taskbar, is called "Friendly App Name".
    2. Windows uses File Description as Friendly App Name.
    3. Windows caches Friendly App Name on first launch in registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache