I have 24 consecutively numbered variables whose sum I need to evaluate:
if($t1 + $t2 + $t3 + $t4 + $t5 + $t6
+ $t7 + $t8 + $t9 + $t10 + $t11 + $t12
+ $t13 + $t14 + $t15 + $t16 + $t17 + $t18
+ $t19 + $t20 + $t21 + $t22 + $t23 + $t24
== 0) { /* do stuff */ }
Is there some way to do this without listing every variable?
The following works but still seems unnecessarily complicated:
$sum = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 24; $i++) {
$sum = $sum + ${"t" . $i};
if($sum == 0) { /* do stuff */ }
php supports special naming, to indicate that multiple fields on form should be mapped into array on php side (https://www.php.net/manual/en/faq.html.php#faq.html.arrays)
so, in html:
<input id="a1" name="a[]">
<input id="a2" name="a[]">
<input id="a3" name="a[]">
then in php you can use
$sum = array_sum($_REQUEST['a']);