I'm relatively new to MATLAB so perhaps there's something I'm missing.
The task is the following: we must program a certain algorithm for optimizing a continuous function f
: Rn ---> R. The thing is, to do so I need to minimize a scalar function that depends on f
, and work with said minimum, for example:
%given f, and a vector y
g=@(s) f(y + s*e_i) %e_i is the i-th canonical vector
[lambda, ~]=fminsearch(g,0)
The problem is that, if for example f(x,y)=x+y, one can't input f([1,2]), you need to write f(1,2), so I don't know how to define the function g
properly so I can find the needed scalar value.
I know that if f
were a fixed dimension, let's say 3, I could literally write
eval_f = @(v) f(v(1), v(2), v(3))
g = @(s) eval_f(y + s*e_i)
but the code must be open to receive any function. I have also tried using f(num2cell(y + s*e_i){:})
but I get an "Invalid array indexing" error, as I can't chain the parenthesis and an output.
I have tried creating a more complex auxiliary function
eval_f=@(fun,v) fun(feval(@(x) x{:},num2cell(v)));
g=@(s) eval_f(f,y + s*ei);
But doing feval(@(x) x{:},v)
in the end only returns the first element of v
, and f
doesn't get evaluated correctly and thus g
isn't correctly defined.
How could I define g?
Note that you need a function handle to minimise, but that doesn't mean you have to define everything in anonymous functions. It might be easier to test and debug if you just write a complete function block, so you have your main function g
which evaluates some variable-sized v
using a predefined f
function x = g( f, v )
% v is an array of unknown size, the values of which should be
% passed as separate inputs to f
% Convert to cell so we can use {:} syntax in function call
vc = num2cell( v );
% Evaluate
x = f( v{:} );
Then all your anonymous function needs to do is wrap this up so that it accepts a single input
gf = @(s) g( f, y + s*e_i )
[lambda,~] = fminsearch( gf, 0 )
Alternatively if you'd written the definition of f
directly within the function
block for g
then you wouldn't need to define gf
at all, you could point directly at g
if it took a single input.
If you have these in the same script, you would normally put the function
block at the bottom (although since R2024b they can go anywhere)