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A "MapList" function

In Mathematica there are a number of functions that return not only the final result or a single match, but all results. Such functions are named *List. Exhibit:

  • FoldList
  • NestList
  • ReplaceList
  • ComposeList

Something that I am missing is a MapList function.

For example, I want:

MapList[f, {1, 2, 3, 4}]
{{f[1], 2, 3, 4}, {1, f[2], 3, 4}, {1, 2, f[3], 4}, {1, 2, 3, f[4]}}

I want a list element for each application of the function:

  {h[1, 2], {4, Sin[x]}},
] // Column
{h[f[1], 2], {4, Sin[x]}}
{h[1, f[2]], {4, Sin[x]}}
{h[1, 2], {f[4], Sin[x]}}
{h[1, 2], {4, f[Sin[x]]}}

One may implement this as:

MapList[f_, expr_, level_: 1] :=
 MapAt[f, expr, #] & /@
  Position[expr, _, level, Heads -> False]

However, it is quite inefficient. Consider this simple case, and compare these timings:

a = Range@1000;
#^2 & /@ a // timeAvg
MapList[#^2 &, a] // timeAvg
ConstantArray[#^2 & /@ a, 1000] // timeAvg




This illustrates that on average MapList is about 38X slower than the combined total of mapping the function to every element in the list and creating a 1000x1000 array.

Therefore, how may MapList be most efficiently implemented?


  • I suspect that MapList is nearing the performance limit for any transformation that performs structural modification. The existing target benchmarks are not really fair comparisons. The Map example is creating a simple vector of integers. The ConstantArray example is creating a simple vector of shared references to the same list. MapList shows poorly against these examples because it is creating a vector where each element is a freshly generated, unshared, data structure.

    I have added two more benchmarks below. In both cases each element of the result is a packed array. The Array case generates new elements by performing Listable addition on a. The Module case generates new elements by replacing a single value in a copy of a. These results are as follows:

    In[8]:= a = Range@1000;
            #^2 & /@ a // timeAvg
            MapList[#^2 &, a] // timeAvg
            ConstantArray[#^2 & /@ a, 1000] // timeAvg
            Array[a+# &, 1000] // timeAvg
            Module[{c}, Table[c = a; c[[i]] = c[[i]]^2; c, {i, 1000}]] // timeAvg
    Out[9]=  0.0005504
    Out[10]= 0.0966
    Out[11]= 0.003624
    Out[12]= 0.0156
    Out[13]= 0.02308

    Note how the new benchmarks perform much more like MapList and less like the Map or ConstantArray examples. This seems to show that there is not much scope for dramatically improving the performance of MapList without some deep kernel magic. We can shave a bit of time from MapList thus:

    MapListWR4[f_, expr_, level_: {1}] :=
      Module[{positions, replacements}
      , positions = Position[expr, _, level, Heads -> False]
      ; replacements = # -> f[Extract[expr, #]] & /@ positions
      ; ReplacePart[expr, #] & /@ replacements

    Which yields these timings:

    In[15]:= a = Range@1000;
             #^2 & /@ a // timeAvg
             MapListWR4[#^2 &, a] // timeAvg
             ConstantArray[#^2 & /@ a, 1000] // timeAvg
             Array[a+# &, 1000] // timeAvg
             Module[{c}, Table[c = a; c[[i]] = c[[i]]^2; c, {i, 1000}]] // timeAvg
    Out[16]= 0.0005488
    Out[17]= 0.04056
    Out[18]= 0.003
    Out[19]= 0.015
    Out[20]= 0.02372

    This comes within factor 2 of the Module case and I expect that further micro-optimizations can close the gap yet more. But it is with eager anticipation that I join you awaiting an answer that shows a further tenfold improvement.