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Styling links between states in Mermaid

How can I style links between nodes for state diagrams in Mermaid? For example in the below state diagram how can I make the links with 5V with red color and thicker?

  direction LR
  RaspPi --> Relay :GPIO
  Power5V --> Relay: 5V
  Relay --> Load: 5V


  • You can include CSS rules in a preamble to the mermaid diagram and exploit the fact that the lines have identifers edgeN where N starts with 0 and increases by 1 for every line.

    <script type="module" src=""></script>
    <pre class="mermaid">
      themeCSS: |
        #edge1, #edge2 { stroke: red; stroke-width: 2px; }
      direction LR
      RaspPi --> Relay :GPIO
      Power5V --> Relay: 5V
      Relay --> Load: 5V

    Coloring individual arrowheads is not possible with this approach, however, because all lines share the same arrowhead definition.