In my app, I use the nuxt-csurf module.
Meaning, I have to use useCsrfFetch and $csrfFetch.
This works fine during manual testing, but in Vitest I need to mock these functions.
I have tried:
vi.mock('../../node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/nuxt', async (importOriginal) => {
const actual = await importOriginal();
return {
useNuxtApp: vi.fn(() => {
const nuxtApp = actual.useNuxtApp();
return {
$csrfFetch: vi.fn(async (...args) => {
console.log('$csrfFetch called with:', args);
return { data: 'mocked response' };
But that throw a lot of other internal nuxt errors.
And I have tried:
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp();
const spy = vi.spyOn(nuxtApp, '$csrfFetch').mockImplementation(() =>
Promise.resolve({ state: 'response data' }),
But that throws:
TypeError: Cannot redefine property: $csrfFetch
Any help is appreciated
Apparently, I can just do it like this:
const { mockUseNuxtApp } = vi.hoisted(() => ({
mockUseNuxtApp: vi.fn(() => ({
$csrfFetch: vi.fn(),
mockNuxtImport('useNuxtApp', () => mockUseNuxtApp);
describe('...', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('...', async () => {
$csrfFetch: vi.fn(),
// do somthing where $csrfFetch is used