I import a new csv every month from a phone support platform that has prebuilt reports that I cannot alter. What I need to do is grab the year and month from a column, then create a new column for the year and another for the month, but with the month fully spelled out.
I've tried playing with Trim and Format but cannot figure this out.
pls see if this is what you want
year =
VAR _p =
FIND ( "-", [Column1], 1, 0 )
MID ( 'Table'[Column1], _p - 4, 4 )
month =
VAR _p =
FIND ( "-", [Column1], 1, 0 )
DATE ( MID ( 'Table'[Column1], _p - 4, 4 ), MID ( [Column1], _p + 1, 2 ), 1 ),