I am new to SSIS but not SQL. I'm using SSIS to export a query to an Excel spreadsheet. The problem I'm having is the date fields are not in a date format. They appear as a date but the cell format is "General," therefore filtering a column the a date range is difficult.
I found a YouTube tutorial that helps with converting integers to currency, but I'm not having much luck with date values. I used "NumberFormat" to make the values display as a date but it's not a true date value. Below is the code that applies to the applicable column:
// for colomn L InqDate_Current
// Set the data type of the entire column to date
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range column_L = worksheet.Columns["L"];
column_L.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd";
// Get the range of the used cells in the column
Range usedRange_L = column_L.Cells.SpecialCells(XlCellType.xlCellTypeConstants);
i = 0;
// Loop through each cell in the column
foreach (Range cell in usedRange_L)
if (i != 0)
// Convert cell value to integer and assign it back to the cell
cell.Value = cell.Value;
In my SSIS Package Data Flow, I have three steps:
On Control Flow, after the Data Flow has completed, there is a step that runs a C# script that applies to specific columns to change data types.
I want the date columns to be true date columns.
Do you have any insight for me?
Thank you!
I figured it out after I visited How to convert any date format to yyyy-MM-dd and clicked the link to String Format for DateTime [C#].
I changed:
column_L.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd";
String.Format("yyyy-mm-dd", column_L);
If anyone needs more details, the YouTube video I mention with my original question is: Learn SSIS: 156 How to change excel column to numeric in ssis.