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MudDataGrid - Track changes in hierarchy / remember child row visibility

I am using a MudDataGrid with a HierarchyColumn to selectively display the ChildRowContent on any row of my data grid. So far, everything works great. Initially, all rows are collapsed.

When some of the rows are extended / visible, and I reload the underlying data set / list, all rows are collapsed again.

What I would like to do is to track the expansion status of each ChildRowContent so the user does not have to manually expand the respective rows he/she was working on.

I know there is InitiallyExpandedFunc on HierarchyColumns, which gives me at the option to initially expand specific rows, but in order to use this, I need to track the visibility of each row's ChildRowContent.

Minimum Example:

<MudDataGrid Items="@_elements">
        <HierarchyColumn T="string" InitiallyExpandedFunc="@(x => _isRowExpanded[x])"/>
        <PropertyColumn Property="x => x" />
        Child row content of example

@code {
    private IEnumerable<string> _elements = new List<string>() { "Bird", "Cat", "Dog"};

    private Dictionary<string, bool> _isRowExpanded = new();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        _isRowExpanded.Add("Cat", true);

    // how to hook up this function when a child column is expanded???
    private void SetExpansionStatus(string value, bool isExpanded)
        _isRowExpanded[value] = isExpanded;

And since we are already here - is there a way to programmatically expand a row? If so, I would like to connect that with the RowClick function of the MudDataGrid, as it would feel more intuitive in my scenario.


  • Based on your code I made a workaround as following without using HierarchyColumn but grant more control over the content.

    @page "/"
        .mud-table-child-content {
            padding: 0 !important
    <MudButton Variant="Variant.Filled" Color="Color.Primary" OnClick="ReloadData" Class="my-2">
        Reload Data
    <MudDataGrid T="string" Items="@_elements" RowClick="OnRowClick">
            <PropertyColumn Property="x => x" />
            @if (Expands.Contains(context.Item))
                <div style="padding:20px">
                    Child row content of example
    @code {
        private List<string> _elements = new List<string>() { "Bird", "Cat", "Dog" };
        private List<string> Expands = new List<string>();
        protected override void OnInitialized()
        private void OnRowClick(DataGridRowClickEventArgs<string> args)
            if (Expands.Contains(args.Item))
        private async Task ReloadData()
            StateHasChanged(); // Refresh UI after reloading