I spent some time looking for the solution to this kind of simple problem but still could not find it. The problem is to simulate process when some events can be processes concurrently by limited amount of resources while some events require aggregating first and then batch processing. Here is a simple code example of ferry transporting people:
import simpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Person:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.timeline = []
def log(self, event, time):
self.timeline.append((event, time))
class BatchResource(simpy.Resource):
def __init__(self, env, capacity, batch_size, process_time):
super().__init__(env, capacity)
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.process_time = process_time
self.batch_queue = []
def request(self):
req = super().request()
# Start processing only if a full batch is ready
if len(self.batch_queue) >= self.batch_size:
return req
def process_batch(self):
batch = self.batch_queue[: self.batch_size] # Take the batch
self.batch_queue = self.batch_queue[self.batch_size :] # Remove from queue
print(f"[{self._env.now}] Ferry is full! Departing with {len(batch)} people.")
yield self._env.timeout(self.process_time) # Simulate crossing time
print(f"[{self._env.now}] Ferry has crossed the river.")
# Release all passengers in the batch
for req in batch:
if not req.triggered: # Ensure it hasn't already been granted
def person(env, person, ferry, casses_before, casses_after):
# Process before crossing the river
with casses_before.request() as request:
yield request
person.log("start_before", env.now)
yield env.timeout(1)
person.log("end_before", env.now)
# Wait for the ferry (only departs when full)
with ferry.request() as request:
yield request
person.log("start_wait", env.now)
yield env.timeout(1)
person.log("end_wait", env.now)
# Process after crossing the river
with casses_after.request() as request:
yield request
person.log("start_after", env.now)
yield env.timeout(1)
person.log("end_after", env.now)
def setup(env, num_people, capacity, people):
casses_before = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=3)
casses_after = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=3)
ferry = BatchResource(env, capacity=capacity, batch_size=capacity, process_time=5)
for i in range(num_people):
person_instance = Person(f"Person {i}")
env.process(person(env, person_instance, ferry, casses_before, casses_after))
yield env.timeout(0.5) # New person arrives every 0.5 time units
# Setup and start the simulation
env = simpy.Environment()
people = []
env.process(setup(env, num_people=30, capacity=10, people=people))
# Plot Gantt-like chart
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
colors = {"before": "tab:blue", "wait": "tab:orange", "after": "tab:green"}
for i, person in enumerate(people):
for event, time in person.timeline:
if "start" in event:
start_time = time
elif "end" in event:
end_time = time
stage = event.split("_")[1]
[(start_time, end_time - start_time)],
(i * 10, 9),
ax.set_yticks([i * 10 + 5 for i in range(len(people))])
ax.set_yticklabels([person.name for person in people])
It results in the following process gantt:
But I am looking for the case when ferry (orange blocks) wait for people to fill it completely and then to do work.
Can someone please suggest the way to implement it?
I assume you are looking for a chart like this?
You need to think of the ferry as a process not a resource. There are two ways to do this. The first is to break the process into two processes. The first process does the pre processing and puts the person into a queue. When the queue is big enough, pop the batch off the queue and start the ferry process. the pre processing process is at the person level and the ferry is at batch level that iterates over each person at event time. The second way is for the ferry to publish depart and arrive events that the people subscribe to. Everyone in a batch are listing to the same events and reacts at the same time with the events fire. I listed both codes
import simpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Ferry Simulation using a batching queue
We use a chaing of processes to move the passengers
The first process in the do the sign in
the second process, when the queue is big enough, to to move th passengers
Agmented by: Michael R. Gibbs
class Person:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.timeline = []
def log(self, event, time):
self.timeline.append((event, time))
# not used anymore
# class BatchResource(simpy.Resource):
# def __init__(self, env, capacity, batch_size, process_time):
# super().__init__(env, capacity)
# self.batch_size = batch_size
# self.process_time = process_time
# self.batch_queue = []
# def request(self):
# req = super().request()
# self.batch_queue.append(req)
# # Start processing only if a full batch is ready
# if len(self.batch_queue) >= self.batch_size:
# self._env.process(self.process_batch())
# return req
# def process_batch(self):
# batch = self.batch_queue[: self.batch_size] # Take the batch
# self.batch_queue = self.batch_queue[self.batch_size :] # Remove from queue
# print(f"[{self._env.now}] Ferry is full! Departing with {len(batch)} people.")
# yield self._env.timeout(self.process_time) # Simulate crossing time
# print(f"[{self._env.now}] Ferry has crossed the river.")
# # Release all passengers in the batch
# for req in batch:
# if not req.triggered: # Ensure it hasn't already been granted
# req.succeed()
# updated to use a batching queue
def sign_in(env, batch_q, person, batch_size):
pre ferry stuff, sign in and wait for ferry to leave
# Process before crossing the river
person.log("start_before", env.now)
yield env.timeout(1)
person.log("end_before", env.now)
# start waiting for the ferry in a queue
person.log("start_wait", env.now)
if len(batch_q) >= batch_size:
env.process(send_ferry(env, batch_q, batch_size, 5))
def send_ferry(env, batch_q, batch_size, ferry_time):
The ferry loads a queue worth of people and transport them
ferry_passengers = batch_q[0:batch_size]
del batch_q[0:batch_size]
# load and depart
for p in ferry_passengers:
p.log("end_wait", env.now)
p.log("start_after", env.now)
# ship
yield env.timeout(ferry_time)
# arrive
for p in ferry_passengers:
p.log("end_after", env.now)
def setup(env, batch_q, num_people, capacity, people):
# casses_before = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=3)
# casses_after = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=3)
#ferry = BatchResource(env, capacity=capacity, batch_size=capacity, process_time=5)
for i in range(num_people):
person_instance = Person(f"Person {i}")
env.process(sign_in(env, batch_q, person_instance, capacity))
yield env.timeout(0.5) # New person arrives every 0.5 time units
# Setup and start the simulation
# new batching queue is just a list
batch_q = []
env = simpy.Environment()
people = []
env.process(setup(env, batch_q, num_people=30, capacity=10, people=people))
# Plot Gantt-like chart
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
colors = {"before": "tab:blue", "wait": "tab:orange", "after": "tab:green"}
for i, person in enumerate(people):
for event, time in person.timeline:
if "start" in event:
start_time = time
elif "end" in event:
end_time = time
stage = event.split("_")[1]
[(start_time, end_time - start_time)],
(i * 10, 9),
ax.set_yticks([i * 10 + 5 for i in range(len(people))])
ax.set_yticklabels([person.name for person in people])
Next example
import simpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Ferry Simulation using events to manage the processing
Agmented by: Michael R. Gibbs
class Person:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.timeline = []
def log(self, event, time):
self.timeline.append((event, time))
class Ferry():
new class
collects people until it is told to leave
The Ferry has a start event that people can
listen to for when the ferry departs.
The ferry also has a event for when the ferry arrives.
Ferry is not a resource, Its more of a object/agent
using events to communitcate with people about the
depart and arrive events. People can handle the events
as they wish.
# counts the number of boats creatd, also used for unique id
boat_cnt = 0
def __init__(self, env, batch_size, ferry_time):
self.env = env
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.ferry_time = ferry_time
self.passengers = []
# events that the passengers can subscribe to
self.depart_event = env.event()
self.arrive_event = env.event()
# add count and get id number
self.__class__.boat_cnt += 1
self.id = self.__class__.boat_cnt
def add_passenger(self, person):
print(f"[{self.env.now}] Person {person.name} has arrived on boat {self.id}")
def get_depart_event(self):
Just a getter to get the current trip depart event
return self.depart_event
def get_arrive_event(self):
Just a getter to get the current trip arrived event
return self.arrive_event
def send_ferry(self):
print(f"[{self.env.now}] Ferry {self.id} as departed with {len(self.passengers)} passengers")
# notify the passengers that ferry has departed
# travel time
yield self.env.timeout(self.ferry_time)
# notify the passengers that ferry has arrived
# not used anymore
# class BatchResource(simpy.Resource):
# def __init__(self, env, capacity, batch_size, process_time):
# super().__init__(env, capacity)
# self.batch_size = batch_size
# self.process_time = process_time
# self.batch_queue = []
# def request(self):
# req = super().request()
# self.batch_queue.append(req)
# # Start processing only if a full batch is ready
# if len(self.batch_queue) >= self.batch_size:
# self._env.process(self.process_batch())
# return req
# def process_batch(self):
# batch = self.batch_queue[: self.batch_size] # Take the batch
# self.batch_queue = self.batch_queue[self.batch_size :] # Remove from queue
# print(f"[{self._env.now}] Ferry is full! Departing with {len(batch)} people.")
# yield self._env.timeout(self.process_time) # Simulate crossing time
# print(f"[{self._env.now}] Ferry has crossed the river.")
# # Release all passengers in the batch
# for req in batch:
# if not req.triggered: # Ensure it hasn't already been granted
# req.succeed()
# updated to use new ferry
def person(env, person, ferry):
# Process before crossing the river
person.log("start_before", env.now)
yield env.timeout(1)
person.log("end_before", env.now)
# wait for ferry to depart
depart_event = ferry.get_depart_event()
print(len(ferry.passengers), ferry.batch_size)
if len(ferry.passengers) >= ferry.batch_size:
person.log("start_wait", env.now)
yield depart_event
person.log("end_wait", env.now)
# Process of crossing
arrive_event = ferry.get_arrive_event()
person.log("start_after", env.now)
yield arrive_event
person.log("end_after", env.now)
def setup(env, num_people, capacity, people):
# casses_before = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=3)
# casses_after = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=3)
#ferry = BatchResource(env, capacity=capacity, batch_size=capacity, process_time=5)
ferry = Ferry(env, capacity, 5)
cnt = 0
for i in range(num_people):
person_instance = Person(f"Person {i}")
env.process(person(env, person_instance, ferry))
# check if ferry is full
cnt += 1
if cnt >= ferry.batch_size:
ferry = Ferry(env, capacity, 5)
cnt = 0
yield env.timeout(0.5) # New person arrives every 0.5 time units
# Setup and start the simulation
env = simpy.Environment()
people = []
env.process(setup(env, num_people=30, capacity=10, people=people))
# Plot Gantt-like chart
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
colors = {"before": "tab:blue", "wait": "tab:orange", "after": "tab:green"}
for i, person in enumerate(people):
for event, time in person.timeline:
if "start" in event:
start_time = time
elif "end" in event:
end_time = time
stage = event.split("_")[1]
[(start_time, end_time - start_time)],
(i * 10, 9),
ax.set_yticks([i * 10 + 5 for i in range(len(people))])
ax.set_yticklabels([person.name for person in people])