I'm trying to migrate from cx_Oracle 8.1.0
to oracledb 2.5.1
library. Before such query was working:
update command_center set
E_ID = :1,
WHERE e_id = :1
def bulk_insert_or_update_data_to_targets(self, sql, target_data, id_index=0):
for target_connections, data in target_data:
for con in target_connections:
cursor = con.cursor()
cursor.executemany(sql, data, batcherrors=True)
if cursor.getbatcherrors():
self.logger.debug("data: " + str(data))
but currently I have following exception:
oracledb.exceptions.DatabaseError: DPY-4009: 4 positional bind values are required but 3 were provided
Is there any chance this could work the same way it worked in cx_Oracle
before ... so I guess it retrieved the attribute by array index?
The latter is preferred because it doesn't run into the kind of issue you see. Even Thick mode has some variances with bind-by-position that depend if you are using SQL or PL/SQL statements.