I'm trying to automate approval/denial of requests for groups in the Azure Portal using the C# and preferably leveraging MS Grap package. I've had great success for roles using a previous answer on SO, as well as documentation from MS themselves. Although the same page is available for Groups it doesn't have the http requests to go along.
I did look around the following endpoint using Graph Explorer to no avail.
My currently working approach for roles looks like this
"reviewResult": "Approve",
"justification": "Approval Message"
I'm listing current requests like this, receiving a FilterByCurrentUserWithOnGetResponse
.GetAsFilterByCurrentUserWithOnGetResponseAsync((config) =>
config.QueryParameters.Expand = ["group", "principal"];
Any idea what the approval request would look like after that? Or tip on where I can get the right documentation?
I'll answer my own question if anyone needs this in the future.
Same as the documentation for roles but using this path
"reviewResult": "Approve",
"justification": "Jusitication"
ApprovalStep body = new ApprovalStep()
ReviewResult = "Approve",
Justification = "Justification",
await GraphClientBeta.IdentityGovernance.PrivilegedAccess.Group.AssignmentApprovals[approvalId].Steps[stepId].PatchAsync(body);