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Android: what does the log message "<timestamp> InputMethodManager invalidateInput" indicate?

When I execute a newly developed Android application (compileSdk/targetApi="33") during initialization and first screen build-up (and also later during subsequent screen refreshes) I am getting literally hundreds of informational messages:

<timestamp> InputMethodManager I invalidateInput

Interspersed with the above messages (every 10-15th line) is a debug message:

<timestamp> AnimatorSet D mReversing is false. Don't call initChildren.

These messages appear only when I execute the application on my physical mobile (Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra / Android v14). They do not show up when running it in Android Studio's device emulator.

What do these messages try to convey to me? Are they indicating something being done false or at least suboptimal in the application?

Can I somehow get rid of them? I mean not filtering it in the Logcat (that I know how to do) but actually avoiding it being emitted, so that this doesn't appear in the first place.

Later extension:

Triggered by @Nilesh's response (see below) I tried to pinpoint location(s) in my code where such invalidateInput-messages are emitted. One such location (not the only one but one that I was able to reliably pinpoint in my code) reads:

        Log.v(TAG, "createItemFieldET 1:");
        final EditText et = new EditText(ctxt);
        Log.v(TAG, "createItemFieldET 2:");

The above reliably leads to the following log output:

17:27:43.104 ListUtils             V  createItemFieldET 1:
17:27:43.104 InputMethodManager    I  invalidateInput
17:27:43.104 ListUtils             V  createItemFieldET 2:

... and now I am stomped!

I mean: what could I possibly do wrong or sub-optimal by creating an android.widget.EditText-object programmatically in the way shown above???


  • The "invalidateInput" log from InputMethodManager appears when the input method is refreshed frequently, often due to focus changes or unnecessary input updates. This is more noticeable on physical devices, especially Samsung, because of how One UI handles input differently from the emulator. It can be caused by frequent focus shifts between text fields, animations triggering layout updates, or unnecessary calls to restartInput() or showSoftInput(). To reduce it, avoid unnecessary input method updates, optimize UI animations, test with another keyboard like Gboard, and review focus handling in your layouts. It’s not an error but reducing it can improve performance.