When I build for production mode with Vaadin 24.6.5 and then check the build artifacts, I find that the frontend component versions are lagging behind. All the backend Jars have version 24.6.5, but in package.json
"@vaadin/bundles": "24.6.4", "@vaadin/react-components": "24.6.4"
and so forth - all components are lagging one version behind. The same is true for pnpm-lock.yaml
When I downgrade to 24.6.4, the same thing happens: the backend jars are all 24.6.4 and the frontend components are then 24.6.3.
This is not always the case; I happened to have a Vaadin 24.5.0 project open and it has, for example, "@vaadin/bundles": "24.5.0"
and "@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter": "24.5.0"
in package.json. I believe the reason behind "lagging" client-side versions is just that there's not always a need to publish a new version, especially if there are no relevant changes.