I want to generate a unique and random code which looks like AAA-nnn
from a sequence number:
seq | code (unique and random) |
0 | DFZ-980 |
1 | FGG-443 |
2 | CCZ-189 |
... | ... |
ranges from 'A' to 'Z', n
ranges from '0' to '9', so there are 26^3 * 10^3 = 17,576,000
possible combinations.
So this question converts to a unique random mapping from [0, 17576000)
to [0, 17576000)
I found some related questions and answers suggesting shifting, addition, multiplication and bit operations, but they all seem to extend the range, or fix the range in 2's power like 2^64 or 2^256. I have no idea how to keep the output in a much smaller range while not breaking the uniqueness. Some other posts point me to PRP (pseudo-random permutation), which looks promising, but I know nothing about cryptography, and failed to find an implementation of it (wikipedia says AES-128 and DES implement PRP, but the range seems to be constrained to 2^64, 2^56 and 2^128 ?).
Security is not necessary, this is just part of a game, which assigns 'fancy' (but unique) codes to some objects which will be displayed to players.
Since the code space are 26 * 26 * 26 * 10 * 10 * 10
, you can find any integer that is coprime with 17576000
, and keep wrapped adding to it to reach all the number.
To use a smaller example let's say code are 0
, there are 10 total code, we can pick 3
as the step and keep wrapping:
0 -> 3 -> 6 -> 9 -> 2 -> 5 -> 8 -> 1 -> 4 -> 7 -> 0 (again)
it cycled all number without repeating.
for the code, you can pick the step size 1
to iterate sequentially, or a big number the coprime with 17576000
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
fn main() {
// 26 * 26 * 26 * 10 * 10 * 10
// 2^3 * 13^3 * 2^3 * 5^3
// 2^6 * 5^3 * 13^3
let mut k: u32 = 0;
// any things that is not multiple of 2, 5, and 13
let step: u32 =
// 1; // iter all code in order.
// 2_u32.pow(10) - 1; // the step is close, result in less random jump
2_u32.pow(4) * 5_u32.pow(2) * 3 * 7 * 17* 23 * 31 - 1; // very random jump
// 2_u32.pow(15) - 1;
let n: u32 = 26 * 26 * 26 * 10 * 10 * 10;
let mut set = BTreeSet::new();
// for i in 0..n {
for i in 0..10000 {
let code = k_to_code(k);
// make sure it is not already generatead
k = (k + step) % n;
fn k_to_code(mut k: u32) -> String {
// you can swap around the order of quotient to make more random result
let a = k % 10;
k /= 10;
let b = k % 10;
k /= 10;
let c = k % 10;
k /= 10;
let x = k % 26;
k /= 26;
let y = k % 26;
k /= 26;
let z = k % 26;
let x = (x as u8 + 65) as char;
let y = (y as u8 + 65) as char;
let z = (z as u8 + 65) as char;
format!("{}{}{}-{}{}{}", z, y, x, c, b, a)