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How to set RISC-V `-march` for zig build

When cross-compiling for RISC-V with Zig I believe you do something like this:

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    const target = b.resolveTargetQuery(.{
        .cpu_arch = .riscv32,
        .abi = .ilp32,
        .os_tag = .freestanding,

But how do you enable other extensions? There's a cpu_features_add field but it seems to be some kind of bitfield and I can't figure out what to do with it.

For example how would you set this -march ISA string?


Bonus question: how do you set the ABI to ilp32f or ilp32d? Or even lp64 - that seems to be missing from Abi, though it does exist in CallingConvention?


  • To specify what CPU features you want in a target query, you use cpu_features_add:

        .cpu_arch = .riscv32,
        .os_tag = .freestanding,
        .cpu_features_add = Target.riscv.featureSet(&.{ .i, .m, .a, .f, .d, .c, .svinval, .zicsr, .zifencei, .zba, .zbb, .zbs, .zicbom, .zicbop }),

    Although undocumented, a cursory glance at std.Target reveals RISC-V is unaffected by the ABI tag: