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Cannot find a way to have ellipsis and width of content at the same time

I am using Tailwind and I am making clearable chips for a filtering component.

I have a flex container and I need the chips inside to be the width of the content. But when the width is too small I want then to do an ellipsis.

<!-- Clearable chips section -->
<div class="flex flex-wrap">
  <div v-for="index in 5" class="flex gap-1 items-center">
    <span class="whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis">
      A long inner text that should collapse into an ellipsis when screen is small

I have tried a few solutions but I either have the width corresponding to the content or the ellipsis but so far, never both.

Here is an example:


  • Apply min-width: 0 to the chip elements. This overrides the min-width: min-content that is applied to horizontal flex layout children.

    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Clearable chips section -->
    <div class="w-lg border border-zinc-700 py-6 m-auto mt-6">
      <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2">
        <div class="flex gap-1 items-center bg-amber-400 rounded-full p-4 min-w-0">
          <span class="whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis">
            A small text
        <div class="flex gap-1 items-center bg-amber-400 rounded-full p-4 min-w-0">
          <span class="whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis">
            A long inner text that should collapse into an ellipsis when screen is small
        <div class="flex gap-1 items-center bg-amber-400 rounded-full p-4 min-w-0">
          <span class="whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis">
            A long inner text that should collapse into an ellipsis when screen is small
        <div class="flex gap-1 items-center bg-amber-400 rounded-full p-4 min-w-0">
          <span class="whitespace-nowrap overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis">
            A long inner text that should collapse into an ellipsis when screen is small