This is a follow-up question.
I’m wondering how to format a series of footnotes in a reveal.js slide. For example, I would like to apply three footnotes to one sentence, like so:
My current solution is shown on slide 2.
title: "test"
format: revealjs
## slide 1
- test_1[^1][^2][^3]
[^1]: footnote1
[^2]: footnote2
[^3]: footnote3
## slide 2
- test_1[^1] [^2] [^3]
[^1]: footnote1
[^2]: footnote2
[^3]: footnote3
Here is how it can be done manually. First add a class to the footnote indicators that can be used to hide them via CSS. Then add them back with the desired formatting.
title: "test"
format: revealjs
css: mycss.css
## slide 1
- test_1[ [^1][^2][^3] ]{.hideme}[^\[1-3\]^]{.redme}
[^1]: footnote1
[^2]: footnote2
[^3]: footnote3
.hideme {
display: none
.redme {
color: red
Which results in: