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Can I configure Eclipse/Pydev to automatically create a git repository when creating a new Pydev project?

The title is pretty accurate and complete. What I would like to know is if there's an option to configure eclipse/pydev to create a git repository automatically when I create a new pydev project.

I have searched on the web and AI search engines for answers to that (I'd try WAIS and Archie if I thought I'd get any hits). I have gotten several hits. These hits contain instructions on how to configure Eclipse/Pydev so a git repository is created automatically when a new Pydev project is created.

Generally, these instructions include something like, "Click File/New/Project, etc.... Click the "Automatically create git repository button" in the process of creating a new Pydev project, and Eclipse/Pydev will configure itself to automatically create a git repository."

However, usually when I follow those instructions, there is NO such button. This makes me think that either the instructions are decades old and things have changed, or they were simply lies to start with.

I would like to configure Eclipse/Pydev to do that. Are there any REAL instructions to do that?


  • There is no process you can by default, but you could look into creating an automation script so that an automatic git repository is created with every new pydev project.