I'm making a game that'll load an egg from a server, and it has to display it. Every documentation piece says how to load an egg from a file, but not from a plaintext string, so how do I do it? I'd rather not save an egg file to a temporary directory.
My current code, if you want:
self.environment = loader.loadModel("models/world")
You can pass in a StringStream via the EggData class and the global load_egg_data function:
from panda3d.core import StringStream
from panda3d.egg import EggData, load_egg_data
stream = StringStream(b'your egg data here')
data = EggData()
if not data.read(stream):
print("Failed to read.")
root = load_egg_data(data)
model = render.attach_new_node(root)
Also note the existence of vfs-mount-url / VirtualFileMountHTTP, which allows you to mount your server to a directory and have Panda download the file for you.