I'm trying to make bash script that's a little bit too hard for me. I need to search in directory for specific text files ending in "FA", sort the results alphabetically and take line 13 of each one and paste it into a new text file.
I read around and this is what I managed so far. This command will search and sort the results:
find . -iname "*FA" -exec ls {} \; | sort
and it works fine.
This command will search and take line 13 of each file and paste it in a new file named "FACC.txt":
find . -iname "*FA" -exec sed -n 13p >FACC.txt {} \;
and it also works fine.
Now I need to combine the two, that is sort the results and take line 13 of each one!
Thank you! Any help appreciated!
Like this?
find . -iname "*FA" -exec ls {} \; | sort | xargs -n 1 sed -n 13p