I'm using Swift Charts to create a line chart representing stock values over time, and I'm aiming for a design with inset ticks at every month. I need the start, end, and middle ticks to be larger and include a label below the tick.
I have been working on a quick POC in Swift Charts and have managed to make the axis look like this:
It's close to the design, but I have two outstanding issues:
I’ve set the vertical spacing to 0, but I notice there's about 16 points of spacing between the bottom axis grid line and the axis value label. Setting verticalSpacing to -16 gives me the result I want, but it doesn’t feel like the right solution. Where does this extra spacing come from, and how can I fix it?
I want to ensure that the first and last X-axis ticks are major ticks with the corresponding date labels. How can I make sure these ticks are marked as major and have labels?
import SwiftUI
import Charts
struct PlanValue: Codable, Identifiable {
let value: Double
let date: Date
var id: Date { date }
// Date formatter to parse the date strings
let dateFormatter: ISO8601DateFormatter = {
let formatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
formatter.formatOptions = [.withFullDate]
return formatter
let fundValues: [PlanValue] = [
PlanValue(value: 100.58, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-01-30")!),
PlanValue(value: 200.22, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-01-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 505.66, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-02-28")!),
PlanValue(value: 399.33, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-03-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 5652.37, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-04-30")!),
PlanValue(value: 5755.66, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-05-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 5850.81, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-06-30")!),
PlanValue(value: 6002.82, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-07-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 5750.62, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-08-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 5699.93, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-09-30")!),
PlanValue(value: 5820.01, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-10-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 6105.03, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-11-30")!),
PlanValue(value: 6291.02, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2023-12-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 6399.48, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-01-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 6544.99, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-02-29")!),
PlanValue(value: 6700.69, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-03-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 6850.57, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-04-30")!),
PlanValue(value: 6998.78, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-05-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 6400.39, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-06-30")!),
PlanValue(value: 6450.33, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-07-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 29555.39, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-08-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 30300.39, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-09-30")!),
PlanValue(value: 30836.33, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-10-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 30750.06, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-11-30")!),
PlanValue(value: 31011.97, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2024-12-31")!),
PlanValue(value: 32500.24, date: dateFormatter.date(from: "2025-01-29")!)
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Chart {
// Fund Values
ForEach(fundValues) { planValue in
LineMark(x: .value("Date", planValue.date),
y: .value("Value", planValue.value)
.chartXAxis {
let numberOfMajorTicks = 3
// Major Ticks + Labels
AxisMarks(preset: .aligned, values: .automatic(desiredCount: numberOfMajorTicks) ) { value in
AxisValueLabel(format: .dateTime.month().year(.twoDigits), verticalSpacing: 0)
AxisMarks(preset: .inset, values: .automatic(desiredCount: numberOfMajorTicks)) { value in
AxisTick(length: 16, stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1))
// Minor Ticks
AxisMarks(preset: .inset, values: .stride (by: .month)) { value in
AxisTick(centered: true, length: 8, stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1))
.chartYAxis {
AxisMarks(preset: .aligned, values: .automatic(desiredCount: 7) ) { value in
let isFirstLine = value.index == 0
AxisGridLine(stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1, dash: [isFirstLine ? 0 : 4], dashPhase: 0))
.foregroundStyle(isFirstLine ? .black : .gray)
AxisValueLabel(format: .currency(code: "GBP").notation(.compactName))
.frame(height: 275)
#Preview {
So I fiddled around with your reproducible example, and figured out answers to both questions. Based on the resources I could find (documentation + WWDC videos), there's no straightforward answer to either question. With that in mind, here's what I did find:
This actually depends on the height of the ticks you use for the x-axis. Without adding any additional padding/offset, here's what the chart looks like:
My inference: when you create a tick, Swift automatically applies a padding equal to the tick size on both sides (which makes sense, because the .extended
preset applies the tick in the opposite direction). Hence, using a negative value in the spacing (or offset, whichever you prefer) is the only way out.
There's no way to guarantee that the last data point will have a tick using the .automatic()
value. So you'll have to manually check each index and apply the appropriate config (major vs minor tick, label vs no label).
I've added a simple computed variable that calculates the indices of major ticks for a given number of major ticks required. Only adding the relevant ContentView
here, rest is same as your implementation.
struct ContentView: View {
let numberOfMajorTicks = 3
/// the indices where we should have a major tick
var majorTickPositions: [Int] {
let n = fundValues.count + numberOfMajorTicks - 2
var positions = [0]
/// k is the number of intervals we're getting, so numberOfMajorTicks should be > 1
let k = numberOfMajorTicks - 1
let bucketSize = n / k
let overFlow = n % k
for i in 0..<numberOfMajorTicks-1 {
positions.append((positions.last ?? 0) + bucketSize - 1 + (overFlow > i ? 1: 0))
print(i, positions)
return positions
var body: some View {
Chart {
// Fund Values
ForEach(fundValues) { planValue in
LineMark(x: .value("Date", planValue.date, unit: .month),
y: .value("Value", planValue.value)
.chartXAxis {
/// Labels
AxisMarks(preset: .aligned, values: .stride (by: .month)) { value in
if majorTickPositions.contains(value.index) {
AxisValueLabel(format: .dateTime.month().year(.twoDigits), verticalSpacing: -8)
AxisMarks(preset: .inset, values: .stride (by: .month)) { value in
if majorTickPositions.contains(value.index) {
/// major ticks
AxisTick(length: 16, stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1))
} else {
/// minor ticks
AxisTick(centered: true, length: 8, stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1))
.chartYAxis {
AxisMarks(preset: .aligned, values: .automatic(desiredCount: 7) ) { value in
let isFirstLine = value.index == 0
AxisGridLine(stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1, dash: [isFirstLine ? 0 : 4], dashPhase: 0))
.foregroundStyle(isFirstLine ? .black : .gray)
AxisValueLabel(format: .currency(code: "GBP").notation(.compactName))
.frame(height: 275)
numberOfMajorTicks = 3
numberOfMajorTicks = 4