A list
$tags = 'a','b','c','d','e'
the process
$array = New-Object 'object[,]' 3,5
$array[0,0] = $tags[0]
$array[0,1] = $tags[1]
$array[0,2] = $tags[2]
$array[0,3] = $tags[3]
$array[0,4] = $tags[4]
$array[1,0] = $tags[0]
$array[1,1] = $tags[1]
$array[1,2] = $tags[2]
$array[1,3] = $tags[3]
$array[1,4] = $tags[4]
$array |Format-Table
The output
This should be 2 rows and 5 columns of data
To complement Santiago Squarzon general answer on a multidimension array output as list (as written in the title). Based on the content of your question (and your comments), I guess you actual not looking for a multidimension array but a list of PSCustomObjects (which is also most practical to work with in PowerShell):
$tags = 'a','b','c','d','e'
$array =
$tags[0] = 0
$tags[1] = 1
$tags[2] = 2
$tags[3] = 3
$tags[4] = 4
$tags[0] = 5
$tags[1] = 6
$tags[2] = 7
$tags[3] = 8
$tags[4] = 9
The output
"This should be 2 rows and 5 columns of data"
$array | Format-Table
a b c d e
- - - - -
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
For using a list of PSCustomObjects, see also: Powershell Multidimensional Arrays.