I'm trying to render a Razor partial between curved brackets, but it's including a space after the bracket and before the contents of the partial.
In this image I'm expecting "Complete: 146 / 147 ("<span>...</span>")"
. My Razor markup contains the following source:
<span class="todo">Complete: @count / @total (@await Html.PartialAsync("_ColoredPercentageSpan", percent))</span>
For completeness the contents of my partial includes this:
@model double
var color = Model switch
>= 1.0 => "text-primary",
>= 0.8 => "text-success",
>= 0.6 => "text-warning",
_ => "text-danger",
<span class="@color">@Model.ToString("P0")</span>
Is there something about the Razor engine that's including the space, or is a quirk of the HTML? I slightly suspect including the span inline is causing the problem, but the closing bracket seems to be correct.
Poul Bak is correct in his comment that removing white space from the partial will resolve the issue:
@model double
var color = Model switch
>= 1.0 => "text-primary",
>= 0.8 => "text-success",
>= 0.6 => "text-warning",
_ => "text-danger",
}<span class="@color">@Model.ToString("P0")</span>
However, for inline stuff like this, you should consider a tag helper if you need reuse or a simple local Razor function. Here's an example of a local function which is declared in the consuming page:
private string GetCompletedColor(double value)
return value switch
>= 1.0 => "text-primary",
>= 0.8 => "text-success",
>= 0.6 => "text-warning",
_ => "text-danger",
This is called as follows:
<div class="vstack gap-1">
<span class="">Issued: Aug 28, 2023</span>
<span class="">Complete: 146 / 147 (<span class="@GetCompletedColor(percent)">@percent.ToString("P0")</span>)
Alternatively, create a simple tag helper:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers;
namespace WebApplication3.TagHelpers;
public class PercentTagHelper : TagHelper
public double Percent { get; set; }
public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
var color = Percent switch
>= 1.0 => "text-primary",
>= 0.8 => "text-success",
>= 0.6 => "text-warning",
_ => "text-danger",
output.TagName = "span";
output.Attributes.SetAttribute("class", color);
Activate custom tag helpers for your app in _ViewImports.cshtml:
@addTagHelper *, MyApp // name of your project containing the tag helper you built
And then use it like this:
<div class="vstack gap-1">
<span class="">Issued: Aug 28, 2023</span>
<span class="">Complete: 146 / 147 (<percent-span percent="percent"></percent-span>)</span>