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How to catch error while inserting data with SqlDataSource

I have a SqlDataSource and a GridView.

What I want to do is, while the query is executed (i.e. for inserting a data), then after the data has inserted successfully, it should appear a message sounds: "The data deleted successfully". I've solved it by using GridView1_RowDeleted method.

Now the problem is, I want to catch the error while the query is failed to executed. If the query has failed to execute, then it should appear a message: "The data failed to insert.".

How to do it? I don't have an idea about this.

Need your help guys.

Thanks a lot.


  • You should be able to add a handler for the relevant event: inserted, deleted. Then, in the handler look at the SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs property Exception. If it's not null then an exception has occurred. For example if the selected command threw an exception:

    protected void SqlDataSource1_Selected(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e)
       if (e.Exception != null)
           // handle the exception
