I am using an Angular resolver to load initial Data of my page. As known it is possible to either return an observable or a promise.
In my case I have this:
export class MySiteResolver implements Resolve<ApiResponse> {
readonly #myApiService = inject(MyApiService);
resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<ApiResponse> {
const param = Number(route.paramMap.get("param"));
return this.#myApiService.getMethod(param);
As expected when loading the page, the resolver subscribes to the observable and return the Api results.
Now I have two questions:
Or just in general, how does it handle the subscription?
I looked up to figure out an answer, but I couldn't really find anything in the Angular documentations, neither in related questions in stackoverflow.
I definitely could take the safe way and either return a promise
or use the first()
operator. However I insist on figuring out how Angular handles it.
I appreciate any insights. Thank you for your time!
They use the rxjs property takeLast(1)
, so this does two things.