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AEM | Dynamic Media | Video | Closed Captions don't work

We a have used VideViwier implementation to play videos using the Dynamic Video. According a documentation all we need is to configure the cations property with a URL to .vtt file.

But for some reason the hostname of current page is appended to the Closed Captions File Rul in Player: enter image description here

Here is our Viewer configuration:

new window.s7viewers.VideoViewer({
      containerId: containerId,
      params: {
        asset: assetName,
        serverurl: serverurl,
        videoserverurl: videoserverurl,
        caption: captionUrl + ',1',


  • After reading the documentation seems like we need to define the contenturl

    The content root path. If no domain is specified, the domain from which the page is served is applied instead. Standard URI path resolution applies.

    You need to define the filename in caption property and adress to the https://scene7hostname + /is/content in the contenturl

    new window.s7viewers.VideoViewer({
          containerId: containerId,
          params: {
            asset: assetName,
            serverurl: serverurl,
            videoserverurl: videoserverurl,
            caption: 'folder/filename' + ',1', //dam:scene7File prop value
            contenturl: ''