Could you explain what is the exact difference between x:DataType="{x:Type model:myclass}"
and x:DataType="model:myclass"
I've examined documentation and sources looking for correct code but have found examples of both kinds.
First of all, please check the official document about x:Type Markup Extension. The doc said:
The x:Type markup extension can be used in object element syntax. In this case, specifying the value of the TypeName property is required to properly initialize the extension.
The x:Type markup extension can also be used as a verbose attribute; however this use is not typical: <object property="{x:Type TypeName=typeNameValue}" .../>
So the XAML Object Element Usage: <x:Type TypeName="prefix:typeNameValue"/>
is always used. The x:DataType is complex property values that involve nested objects.
And the official document about Compiled bindings in .NET MAUI also only uses x:DataType="model:myclass"
. So using x:DataType="model:myclass"
is better.