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String.Empty as DirectoryName of HttpPostedFileBase

I have a controller with action:

        public ActionResult Add(Question container, HttpPostedFileBase file)

            if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                var clientPath=Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FileName);

and clientpath is "".

I need this because I don't want to save file at my server, but right away sending it to flickr

        string photoId = flickr.UploadPicture(clientPath, title, description, "", uploadAsPublic, false, false);

How can I get path of client file?

I'm using FlickrNet library btw.


  • To send the file directly without first saving it on the server, just use the overloaded method:

    string photoId = flickr.UploadPicture(file.InputStream, title, description, "", uploadAsPublic, false, false);