I have an iOS app that i need to send to a collegue (in another country) in the .ipa form to then be published in our Intune company portal. I already had some problems because at first 2 attempts the generated ipa archive expired within 6 days due to the the wrong provisioning profile. Now the app is signed with "Apple Development" profile/certificate and seems to last one year and looks pretty good to me on the devices I have for testing (they are alredy profiled then).
The question i have now is: will be the app able to run on any iOS devices with "Apple Development" signing or to be installed I need the "Apple Distribution" certificate even if the app it is not going to be published to the Apple Store?
Edit: I have those two Certificate to be used:
P.S. to complicate things the app is compiled with Visual Studio Code (.NET MAUI), where some automatisms may be in xCode...nothing exists with VS.
You cannot distribute an iOS app directly to other users, outside of passing the thru the App Store, unless: