I am solving an ODE using scipy.solve_ivp
where I explicitly define the time output. I save the data and time array in a file and open it in another program for the analysis. Because I only save part of the data to save disk space, I recreate the entire time array in the analysis code. Doing so, using identical expressions, I end up with time steps slightly different. Is this due to floating point errors, some other artifact or can it be the way I reproduce the time array?
In the program where I solve the ODE I define the time array as follows np.linspace(0, n_freq_sweep*dt, n_freq_sweep)
omega_z = 422500*2*np.pi
n_dt = 1000 # Resolution (number of time-steps for one omega_z period)
dt = 2*math.pi/(n_dt*omega_z) # Time-step duration
i_init = 2000 # number of periods
n_init = n_dt*i_init # Number of time-steps in total
time_simu = np.linspace(0,n_init*dt,n_init)
sol = solve_ivp(derivs,
t_span = [time_simu[0], time_simu[-1]],
y0 = [2e-6,0],
rtol = 1e-6)
time_simu = time_simu[limits[0]:limits[1]],
r_z = sol.y[0][limits[0]:limits[1]],
v_z = sol.y[1][limits[0]:limits[1]])
where derivs
is a function computing the derivatives of r_z
and v_z
at the next time step, given initial conditions (y0
). I then save sol
using np.savez
, only between two limits I define somewhere. Note that I only show you a part of the program, the next step is to solve_ivp
for 41 other time periods with different conditions, this would make GB of data so I so solve_ivp()
+ savez()
in a for
loop. So the time array is not complete from 0 to end of simu time.
I open the data, retrieve r_z
, v_z
, and time_simu
. I need to "fill in the gaps" of the time array to be able to track the phase of r_z
and v_z
with respect to some frequency reference. I recreate the time array as
omega_z = 422500*2*math.pi
n_dt = 1000
dt = 2*math.pi/(n_dt*omega_z)
i_init = 2000
n_init = n_dt*i_init
time_secular = np.linspace(0,n_init*dt,n_init)
# time_simu is the time imported from the data array
Then if I compare the time step I get from the data array (time_simu
) with the time I get from the analysis code (time_secular
) they are different by 2.8820544184511335e-19
print(time_simu[2] - time_simu[1])
print(time_secular[2] - time_secular[1])
# ^^^^^^^
So the difference is 2.8820544184511335e-19
, which is way too much to be a missing point in the linspace, a + or - 1 in i_init
, in linspace, or whenever else. I did the operation in the same order, the same way, to avoid different floating point errors, but maybe I am missing something. solve_ivp
cannot be the cause because it only outputs x
and v
, but time I save it directly from the array. Can it be np.savez
I guess that you are not comparing the difference at the exact same position. Notice how you store
np.savez(filename, time_simu = time_simu[limits[0]:limits[1]], ...)
That is: You are not storing complete time_simu
, but only in the range limits[0]:limits[1]
(What exactly are the values of limits[0]
and limits[1]
?). When you later reload your stored values, you only reload the stored range, so what is now at index 2 (namely at index 2 of the reloaded time_simu[limits[0]:limits[1]]
) is not necessarily the same as what was at index 2 before storing (namely at index 2 of time_simu
, without slicing it).
In other words, when you compare …
print(time_simu[2] - time_simu[1])
print(time_secular[2] - time_secular[1])
… you are not necessarily comparing the difference between the same two indices, because in time_secular
, you do not seem to apply the slice limits[0]:limits[1]
before comparison.
The problem here is that when you create time_secular = np.linspace(0,n_init*dt,n_init)
and, likewise, time_simu = np.linspace(0,n_init*dt,n_init)
, the differences between different neighboring indices will not all be exactly the same. So when you look at the difference of successors in different places, you may find slightly different results. You can check this, for example, as follows:
import math
import numpy as np
omega_z = 422500*2*math.pi
n_dt = 1000
dt = 2*math.pi/(n_dt*omega_z)
i_init = 2000
n_init = n_dt*i_init
time_secular = np.linspace(0,n_init*dt,n_init)
reference_diff = time_secular[2] - time_secular[1]
print("reference difference:", reference_diff)
all_diffs = set()
for t_up, t_lo in zip(time_secular[1:], time_secular[:-1]):
all_diffs.add(t_up - t_lo)
print("\nall occurring diffs in `time_secular`:")
print(", ".join(str(d) for d in sorted(all_diffs)))
And you will (hopefully) get the following result:
reference difference: 2.3668650887579883e-09
all occurring diffs in `time_secular`:
2.366865088469783e-09, 2.3668650886866233e-09, 2.3668650887408334e-09,
2.366865088754386e-09, 2.366865088757774e-09, 2.3668650887579858e-09,
2.3668650887579874e-09, 2.3668650887579883e-09, 2.366865088757989e-09,
2.3668650887579924e-09, 2.366865088757999e-09, 2.3668650887580123e-09,
2.3668650887580387e-09, 2.3668650887580917e-09, 2.3668650887581975e-09,
2.366865088758621e-09, 2.366865088759468e-09, 2.366865088761162e-09,
2.3668650887679384e-09, 2.3668650887950435e-09, 2.3668650889034637e-09,
Note that the second value that you found, 2.366865088469783e-09
, is also part of all the occurring differences in time_secular
As you do not show when or how you "fill in the gaps" in the reloaded time array, I cannot further pin down the problem. It might be as simple as an off-by-one error in indexing, or really due to the fact that you compare the difference at index 1,2 of the sliced, reloaded time_simu
with the difference at index 1,2 of the unsliced, reconstructed time_secular
Update: Since posting my original answer, the following update has been shared in a comment:
When applying
np.savez(filename, time_simu = time_simu[limits[0]:limits[1]], ...)
the limits
variable's values are
limits = [int(0.95*n_init),-1]
Printing time_secular
after applying these limits
print(time_secular[limits[0]:limits[1]][2] - time_secular[limits[0]:limits[1]][1])
produces 2.366865088469783e-09
. This is exactly the value that has been found (see question) when printing
print(time_simu[2] - time_simu[1])
So I guess this confirms my suspicion: nothing's going wrong when saving and loading the corresponding arrays; just the wrong places have been compared.