I'm trying to list root directory in container. Storage account : Data Lake Storage with hierarchical namespace ON Interface used: BlobContainerClient
Folder structure
auto listBlobOptions = Azure::Storage::Blobs::ListBlobsOptions();
auto blobPages = containerClient.ListBlobsByHierarchy("/", listBlobOptions);
std::cout << "Blob Reading" << std::endl;
for (const auto& blobItem : blobPages.Blobs)
std::cout << "******************" << std::endl;
std::cout << blobItem.Name << std::endl;
If I use "/" as delimiter, the directories that were created from Azure portal are not included. If I remove it, that all the blobs are being listed. With "/" I would get only blob1, but without I would get
Reason for Storage account and interface missmatch is because we are using private endpoints with subresource type BLOB, and DFS is forbidden in such case. If I would use ListBlobs or not use "/" that would read all the blobs in the storage accounts, which is kind of problematic since there could be huge amount of it.
List root directory using ListBlobsByHierarchy using azure sdk
You can use the below code that will list the root folder with files using Azure C++ SDK.
#include <iostream>
#include <azure/storage/blobs.hpp>
using namespace Azure::Storage::Blobs;
int main() {
// Define your storage account connection string and container name
std::string connectionString = "xxxxxx";
std::string containerName = "xxx";
// Create a BlobContainerClient
BlobContainerClient containerClient = BlobContainerClient::CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, containerName);
ListBlobsOptions listBlobOptions;
// Use "/" as the delimiter to list only the root contents
auto blobPages = containerClient.ListBlobsByHierarchy("/", listBlobOptions);
std::cout << "Listing contents of root directory in container: " << containerName << std::endl;
// List directories (BlobPrefixes)
for (const auto& prefix : blobPages.BlobPrefixes) {
std::cout << "[Directory] " << prefix << std::endl; // FIX: Use prefix as a string
// List files (Blobs)
for (const auto& blobItem : blobPages.Blobs) {
std::cout << "[File] " << blobItem.Name << std::endl; // BlobItem is an object with .Name
return 0;
The above code lists files and directories at the root level using ListBlobsByHierarchy("/")
, and prints them. Directories are retrieved from BlobPrefixes
, while files are listed from Blobs
Listing contents of root directory in container: sample
[Directory] folder1/
[Directory] folder2/
[File] 001.csv
[File] 002.csv
[File] 003.csv
[File] demo.csv