I'm following this article's method to calculate the token usage and then the cost. I run the following calculation on the workitem oncomplete callback and store them in a db.
function getJobMetrics(jobDetails) {
const { stats } = jobDetails.jobStatus;
const timeQueued = Date.parse(stats.timeQueued);
const timeDownloadStarted = Date.parse(stats.timeDownloadStarted);
const timeUploadEnded = Date.parse(stats.timeUploadEnded);
const timeInstructionsStarted = Date.parse(stats.timeInstructionsStarted);
const timeInstructionsEnded = Date.parse(stats.timeInstructionsEnded);
const queueDelay = timeDownloadStarted - timeQueued;
const downloadDelay = timeInstructionsStarted - timeDownloadStarted;
const instructionsRunDuration = timeInstructionsEnded - timeInstructionsStarted;
const totalDuration = timeInstructionsEnded - timeQueued;
// https://aps.autodesk.com/blog/estimate-design-automation-costs
// in case of failure, timeUploadEnded is null
const adskCalculatedTimeTaken = (timeUploadEnded || timeInstructionsEnded) - timeDownloadStarted;
const adskTokenUsageInCloudCredits = (adskCalculatedTimeTaken / 1000 / 60 / 60) * 6;
return {
adskDasQueueDelay: queueDelay,
adskDasDownloadDelay: downloadDelay,
adskDasInstructionsRunDuration: instructionsRunDuration,
adskDasTotalDuration: totalDuration,
adskDasTotalBytesDownloaded: stats.bytesDownloaded,
When I aggregate adskTokenUsageInCloudCredits
over time for all the workitems I have in a month, it doesn't match the numbers that I see on the analytics dashboard on APS. My numbers seem an order of magnitude higher. I didn't find any APIs that I can query for individual events that consumed tokens. What am I doing wrong?
DA API charges 2 cloud credits per processing hour/
const adskTokenUsageInCloudCredits = (adskCalculatedTimeTaken / 1000 / 60 / 60) * 2