I have tried to split a single column to three columns. But I failed. I have the following data set
> dat
Jhon Austin B 100kg
Mick Gray C 110kg
Tom Jef A 30kg
First I tried to extract last word using following codes
dt<-dat %>% separate(name, into = c('name', 'pack'), sep = -6, convert = TRUE)
I got the following one
name pack
Jhon Austin B 100kg
Mick Gray C 110kg
Tom Jef A30kg
Where A was added with 30 kg. Though both should be in separate column. My final result should be like this
name class pack
Jhon Austin B 100kg
Mick Gray C 110kg
Tom Jef A 30kg
I will be grateful if anyone helps me. Thanks in advance.
You could try separate_wider_regex
dat %>%
patterns = c(name = ".*", " ", class = "\\w", " ", pack = "\\d+kg")
With base R, you can try sub
+ read.table
text =
sub("^(.*)\\s(\\w)\\s(\\d+.*)$", "\\1_\\2_\\3", name),
sep = "_"
c("name", "class", "pack")
which gives
# A tibble: 3 × 3
name class pack
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Jhon Austin B 100kg
2 Mick Gray C 110kg
3 Tom Jef A 30kg
dat <- data.frame(
name = c(
"Jhon Austin B 100kg",
"Mick Gray C 110kg",
"Tom Jef A 30kg"