I typically run a query like
fields @timestamp, @message
| filter @message like /ERROR/
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20
Is there any way to get additional lines of context around the messages containing "ERROR"? Similar to the A, B, and C flags with grep?
For example, if I have a given log with the following lines
DEBUG Line 1
DEBUG Line 2
ERROR message
DEBUG Line 3
DEBUG Line 4
Currently I get the following result
ERROR message
But I would like to get more context lines like
DEBUG Line 2
ERROR message
DEBUG Line 3
with the option to get more lines of context if I want.
As of 2025, and detailed here, you can now use OpenSearch SQL language with Cloudwatch.
And by using requestId
as suggested in following answer, you can get logs and additional lines of context in one query:
SELECT b.`timestamp`, b.`requestId`, b.`found`, b.`message`, `@logStream`
FROM `LogGroupA` a
SELECT `@timestamp` timestamp, `@requestId` requestId, `@message` message, if(`@message` like '%ERROR%', 'Found', '') found
FROM `LogGroupA`
) b ON a.`@requestId` = b.requestId
WHERE a.`@message` like '%ERROR%'
ORDER BY b.`requestId`, b.`timestamp`
You will also have logStream
link in each lines like suggested in the accepted answer.