With the demise of Specflow we have completed a test conversion of one of our test projects to Reqnroll. All appears to be working very well with 1 annoying situation involving Scenario Outline's
They all get skipped, below is an example of one of the outlines
Scenario Outline: Filter Bar Tests
Given I have logged into application with group smoke
When I load the home page
Then all returned records match the selected "<option>" filter option
| option |
| 1 |
| 2 |
There are no errors, these tests are simply skipped. We are using VS, C#, Reqnroll, MSTest & Selenium.
Also when we switch from MSTest or XUnit to NUnit they work, so the problem appears to be with MSTest!!
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening please, I could see nothing on the Reqnroll site.
I was experiencing the same issue. Looks like they just recently added some documentation that resolved the issue for me https://docs.reqnroll.net/latest/guides/migrating-from-specflow.html#mstest-scenario-outline-handling. Setting the 'allowRowTests' to false fixed the issue