I am preparing a dataset in the "pd-multiindex" format for usage in a library called sktime. It looks like the following.
instances time points a b
0 0 2 -2
1 1 -1
2 1 -2
3 -2 2
4 -2 2
... .. ..
826 9 -1 1
10 -1 0
11 1 0
12 -1 1
13 2 -2
The "instances" and "time points" form a multi-index. I would like to change the starting index of instances from 0 to 826 (and so the ending index would become 826+826=1652)
Try this code once
import pandas as pd
# assuming your DataFrame with a MultiIndex
print("Before:", df.index.get_level_values(0).unique())
# Update the MultiIndex: add 826 to the first level
df.index = df.index.map(lambda idx: (idx[0] + 826, idx[1]))
# Check the final answer
print("After:", df.index.get_level_values(0).unique())