Here is my script
set docsFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder containing Pages documents:"
set pdfFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder to save PDFs:"
tell application "Finder"
set pagesFiles to every file of docsFolder whose name extension is "pages"
end tell
repeat with pagesFile in pagesFiles
set docPath to pagesFile as alias
set docName to name of pagesFile
set baseName to text 1 thru ((length of docName) - 6) of docName -- Retire ".pages"
set pdfPath to ((pdfFolder as text) & baseName & ".pdf") as text -- Force un chemin valide
tell application "Pages"
open docPath
delay 1 -- Laisser le temps au document de s'ouvrir
tell front document
export to file pdfPath as PDF
close saving no
end tell
end tell
end repeat
and the error is: Erreur dans Pages : Forme de clé invalide.
What's wrong ??? thanks for your help
I'm expecting pages to export to pdf but I have this message.
What happens if you change your pages tell
block to this:
tell application "Pages"
open docPath
delay 1 -- Laisser le temps au document de s'ouvrir
export front document to file pdfPath as PDF
close front document saving no
end tell
The problem is likely that you had the export
command inside a tell front document
block, which means that it was adding an unwanted specification to your export… something like this:
export document 1 to file "MacHD:Users:whomever:Desktop:destination:docco.pdf" of document 1 as PDF
You don't want that of document 1
in there.
I think that the invalid key form
of the error message suggests that the file specifier is not properly formed.
If you look at the log you can see how the export
line changes depending on the tell block.
If you remove the word file
from the export command line, then the export should not be affected by this issue. The reason being that if you exclude that word then you are working with a string rather than a file specifier.
In effect:
instead of
file "MacHD:Users:whomever:Desktop:destination:docco.pdf"
So either fo these should work:
without front document
tell application "Pages"
open docPath
delay 1 -- Laisser le temps au document de s'ouvrir
export front document to pdfPath as PDF
close front document saving no
end tell
with front document
tell application "Pages"
open docPath
delay 1 -- Laisser le temps au document de s'ouvrir
tell front document
export to pdfPath as PDF
close saving no
end tell
end tell
Of course, apple changes stuff with each OS version so maybe things have changed since Sierra but hopefully this helps.