I am using Serilog for logging in my ASP.NET Core application and encountering warnings related to global query filters in Entity Framework Core. I have applied a HasQueryFilter to exclude soft-deleted entities, like so:
builder.HasQueryFilter(e => !e.IsDeleted);
However, this is generating warnings in the logs, such as:
[23:25:24 WRN] Entity 'Account' has a global query filter defined and is the required end of a relationship with the entity 'AccountRole'. This may lead to unexpected results when the required entity is filtered out.
I want to suppress these specific warnings related to global query filters while still retaining other EF Core warnings and errors. How can I configure Serilog to filter out only these warnings without affecting other log levels or messages?
You can try using Serilog.Filters.Expressions
package and do something like the following:
var @event = CoreEventId.PossibleIncorrectRequiredNavigationWithQueryFilterInteractionWarning;
var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
// ...
.ByExcluding($"EventId.Id = {@event.Id} and EventId.Name = '{@event.Name}'")
But arguably it would be better done on the EF Core side during setup via ConfigureWarnings
services.AddDbContextFactory<YourContext>(o =>
o.Use...(...) // your DB setup i.e. UseSqlite etc.
.ConfigureWarnings(builder =>
But probably even better would be to configure the query filter for the depended entity (assuming your entities here):
.HasQueryFilter(a => !a.IsDeleted);
.HasQueryFilter(a => !a.Account.IsDeleted);