I have a set of networks as egor objects in a list. When I convert them to a list of igraph objects using as_igraph, I include the ego.attrs argument to keep the data on the ego. I notice that the data is not correct when comparing between the egor and the igraph objects. Here's some reproducible code using the datasets provided by the egor package:
e1 <- egor(alters = alters32,
egos = egos32,
aaties = aaties32,
ID.vars = list(
ego = ".EGOID",
alter = ".ALTID",
source = ".SRCID",
target = ".TGTID"))
j <- e1$ego %>%
filter(.egoID == "4")
# This says w, Poland, 18-25
# Convert to igraph
igraph.egolist <- e1 %>%
as_igraph(include.ego = TRUE,
ego.attrs = c("sex","country", "age")) ## This lets me keep the ego attributes
h <- igraph.egolist[["4"]]
V(h)[name == "ego"]$sex
V(h)[name == "ego"]$country
V(h)[name == "ego"]$age
# this says m, Germany, 56-65
Am I doing something wrong, or is this an issue with the package itself?
This is a bug in the current egor
CRAN version. I updated the egor
development version with a fix for this. remotes::install_github(repo="tilltnet/egor")
. An update including this fix will be submitted to CRAN soon.