I would like to read users from an EntraID group and display their user groups in a list. So for each user of the group the respective groups should be displayed with the group name. Unfortunately, the script does not return anything in the “groups” column. Please help, I have not found anything in my research.
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Group.Read.All", "User.Read.All"
$groupId = ""
$groupMembers = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $groupId -All
$userGroups = @()
foreach ($member in $groupMembers) {
$userId = $member.Id
$user = Get-MgUser -UserId $userId
$userGroupMemberships = Get-MgUserMemberOf -UserId $userId -All
#$userGroupMemberships = $userGroupMemberships.id
$userGroups += [PSCustomObject]@{
UserPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName
DisplayName = $user.DisplayName
Groups = $userGroupMemberships | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -is [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphGroup]) {
$userGroups | Format-Table -AutoSize
In both cases you can leverage the OData cast to reduce the amount of API calls. The cast essentially requests the API to only list or filter for objects of the specified type and also convert or cast said objects to the specified type, however this works on direct calls, I'm not aware if the cmdlets support it.
The endpoints being called are:
. Note that this call isn't recursive, same as you have it your code. If you need to get the recursive membership, you should use transitiveMemberOf instead. Basically just change /memberOf/
for /transitiveMemberOf/
.# simple function to handle pagination
function page {
[string] $Uri,
[ValidateSet('HashTable', 'PSObject')]
[string] $OutputType = 'PSObject')
do {
try {
$req = Invoke-MgGraphRequest GET $Uri -OutputType $OutputType
$Uri = $req.'@odata.nextLink'
if ($req.value) {
catch {
Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception
while ($Uri)
$groupId = 'xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxxxx'
$uri = "v1.0/groups/$groupId/members/microsoft.graph.user?`$select=id, displayName, userPrincipalName"
$groupMembers = page $uri
$result = foreach ($member in $groupMembers) {
$uri = "v1.0/users/$($member.id)/memberOf/microsoft.graph.group?`$select=displayName"
$userGroupMemberships = page $uri
UserPrincipalName = $member.UserPrincipalName
DisplayName = $member.DisplayName
Groups = $userGroupMemberships.displayName
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize