In an Angular project from I am updating Ag grid version from 31.3.1 to 32-lts. And to do this I have run command "$ npx u/ag-grid-devtools/cli@^32.2 migrate --from=31.3.1" While executing this command it gave me errors in console as
This method has been deprecated - this.gridApi.showLoadingOverlay();
On update guide it is mentioned as
Grid API - showLoadingOverlay is deprecated, setting loading=true to enable overlay.
grid API
I tried setting [loading]="true" in HTML however it says [loading] is not an input property.
and also in gridOptions as
this.gridOptions = {
loading: true
It says 'loading' does not exist in type 'GridOptions'
Then how fix this all?
If you do not want to bind to the loading property, another way of showing the loading indicator is by setting it using the grid api:
this.gridApi.setGridOption('loading', true);