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How To Style Password Show/Hide Button In Login Page

I am making a login page with Vue/Nuxt 3. I have made a basic form, but am having trouble with the show/hide password button. The main form is display: flex; and flex-direction: column;, which works just fine for all the main inputs, but I want the password show/hide button to be to the right of the password input, and I can't seam to do that. I have tried putting the input and show/hide button in a div with display: flex; and flex-direction: row;, but that just pushes the input out of line to the left.

Here is the code for the login component:

    <div class="rel-position flex">
        <div class="main-element accent box rel-position">
            <h3 class="main-element rel-position normal-element">Login Or Continue To Account</h3>
            <h4 class="main-element rel-position normal-element">Login to your account using the form below, or continue to a currently logged in account.</h4>
            <form @submit.prevent="Login">
                <div class="rel-position flex">
                    <select class="main-element rel-position clickible clickible-color login-input n-font">
                        <option value="Albany">Albany</option>
                        <option value="Walnut Creek">Walnut Creek</option>
                    <input class="main-element rel-position clickible login-input n-font" type="text" placeholder="Username" required v-model="username">
                    <input class="main-element rel-position clickible login-input n-font" :type="showPassword === true ? 'text' : 'password'" placeholder="Password" required v-model="password">
                    <button class="main-element rel-position clickible n-font" id="toggle-button" type="button" @click="showPassword = !showPassword">
                        <svg width="70" height="70" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" v-if="showPassword === false">
                            <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.9944 15.5C13.9274 15.5 15.4944 13.933 15.4944 12C15.4944 10.067 13.9274 8.5 11.9944 8.5C10.0614 8.5 8.49439 10.067 8.49439 12C8.49439 13.933 10.0614 15.5 11.9944 15.5ZM11.9944 13.4944C11.1691 13.4944 10.5 12.8253 10.5 12C10.5 11.1747 11.1691 10.5056 11.9944 10.5056C12.8197 10.5056 13.4888 11.1747 13.4888 12C13.4888 12.8253 12.8197 13.4944 11.9944 13.4944Z" fill="#0F0F0F"/>
                            <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 5C7.18879 5 3.9167 7.60905 2.1893 9.47978C0.857392 10.9222 0.857393 13.0778 2.1893 14.5202C3.9167 16.391 7.18879 19 12 19C16.8112 19 20.0833 16.391 21.8107 14.5202C23.1426 13.0778 23.1426 10.9222 21.8107 9.47978C20.0833 7.60905 16.8112 5 12 5ZM3.65868 10.8366C5.18832 9.18002 7.9669 7 12 7C16.0331 7 18.8117 9.18002 20.3413 10.8366C20.9657 11.5128 20.9657 12.4872 20.3413 13.1634C18.8117 14.82 16.0331 17 12 17C7.9669 17 5.18832 14.82 3.65868 13.1634C3.03426 12.4872 3.03426 11.5128 3.65868 10.8366Z" fill="#0F0F0F"/>
                        <svg width="70" height="70" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" v-else>
                            <path d="M4.4955 7.44088C3.54724 8.11787 2.77843 8.84176 2.1893 9.47978C0.857392 10.9222 0.857393 13.0778 2.1893 14.5202C3.9167 16.391 7.18879 19 12 19C13.2958 19 14.4799 18.8108 15.5523 18.4977L13.8895 16.8349C13.2936 16.9409 12.6638 17 12 17C7.9669 17 5.18832 14.82 3.65868 13.1634C3.03426 12.4872 3.03426 11.5128 3.65868 10.8366C4.23754 10.2097 4.99526 9.50784 5.93214 8.87753L4.4955 7.44088Z" fill="#0F0F0F"/>
                            <path d="M8.53299 11.4784C8.50756 11.6486 8.49439 11.8227 8.49439 12C8.49439 13.933 10.0614 15.5 11.9944 15.5C12.1716 15.5 12.3458 15.4868 12.516 15.4614L8.53299 11.4784Z" fill="#0F0F0F"/>
                            <path d="M15.4661 12.4471L11.5473 8.52829C11.6937 8.50962 11.8429 8.5 11.9944 8.5C13.9274 8.5 15.4944 10.067 15.4944 12C15.4944 12.1515 15.4848 12.3007 15.4661 12.4471Z" fill="#0F0F0F"/>
                            <path d="M18.1118 15.0928C19.0284 14.4702 19.7715 13.7805 20.3413 13.1634C20.9657 12.4872 20.9657 11.5128 20.3413 10.8366C18.8117 9.18002 16.0331 7 12 7C11.3594 7 10.7505 7.05499 10.1732 7.15415L8.50483 5.48582C9.5621 5.1826 10.7272 5 12 5C16.8112 5 20.0833 7.60905 21.8107 9.47978C23.1426 10.9222 23.1426 13.0778 21.8107 14.5202C21.2305 15.1486 20.476 15.8603 19.5474 16.5284L18.1118 15.0928Z" fill="#0F0F0F"/>
                            <path d="M2.00789 3.42207C1.61736 3.03155 1.61736 2.39838 2.00789 2.00786C2.39841 1.61733 3.03158 1.61733 3.4221 2.00786L22.0004 20.5862C22.391 20.9767 22.391 21.6099 22.0004 22.0004C21.6099 22.3909 20.9767 22.3909 20.5862 22.0004L2.00789 3.42207Z" fill="#0F0F0F"/>
                    <button class="main-element rel-position clickible clickible-color login-input n-font" type="submit">Login</button>

<script setup lang="ts">
    import { useTildenRedisignStore } from '~/stores/tildenRedisign';
    import { ref } from 'vue'; 

    const tildenRedisign = useTildenRedisignStore();
    const username = ref('');
    const password = ref('');
    const showPassword = ref(false);

    function Login() { // Function to log in to account


    tildenRedisign.setTitle('Login To Your Account'); // Title and header setting

        title: 'Login - Tilden Portal'

<style scoped>
    .box {
        margin-top: 5%;
        margin-left: 10%;
        margin-right: 10%;
        margin-bottom: 5%;
        width: 80%;

    .flex {
        width: 100%;
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        flex-direction: column;

    .login-input {
        height: 5vh;
        width: 35%;
        margin-bottom: 5%;

    #toggle-button {
        display: flex;
        height: 5%;
        margin-bottom: 5%;
        width: 10%;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • I think this is close to what you want

        <div class="holder">
              class="main-element rel-position clickible n-font"
              :type="showPassword === true ? 'text' : 'password'"
              class="main-element rel-position clickible n-font"
              @click="showPassword = !showPassword"
     .holder {
       display: flex;
       width: 35%;
       flex-direction: row;
       align-items: center;
        input {
          width: 100%;
     #toggle-button {
        display: flex;
        height: 5%;
        margin-bottom: 5%;
        width: 10%;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
        margin-right: -13%;
        margin-left: 3%;