Search code examples

Choose a product from 3 products with trial

I would like to offer 3 products for Subscription and allow the customer to choose one.

Below is the PHP code to create the checkout session.

$result = $stripe->checkout->sessions->create([
          'mode' => 'subscription',
          'line_items' => [
              'price' => 'price_ddd',
              'quantity' => 1,
              'price' => 'price_eee',
              'quantity' => 1,
              'price' => 'price_fff',
              'quantity' => 1,
          'customer_email' => $useremail, 
          'subscription_data' => ['trial_period_days' => 14, 'trial_settings' => ['end_behavior' => ['missing_payment_method' => 'cancel']],],
          'ui_mode' => 'embedded',
          'payment_method_collection' => 'if_required',
          'return_url' =>   site_url("billing/callback") . "?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}" 

The checkout page shows like this: enter image description here

I need the customer to choose the product from the 3 products. It doest not offer the option choose. It only shows the 3 products.

How to allow it to choose the product?


  • The Checkout payment page does not support 'cart' functionality, where customers can choose which items to purchase. All Price objects passed to the line_items parameter on session creation are considered a part of the payment

    If you want a pre-built UI component that offers plan selection, I'd recommend looking at the pricing table which utilises Checkout for payment.