Deprecated: Firebase Dynamic Links is deprecated and should not be adopted in projects that don't already use it. The service will shut down on August 25, 2025. See the Dynamic Links Deprecation FAQ for more information.
Firebase sharable link for cross platform is going to shut down on 25 Aug, 2025. So if i want any inner sharable link for my in-app page in flutter or android or web. how can i generate or which alternative i can use there?
Migrate from Dynamic Links to App Links & Universal Links.
This migration guide focuses on using App Links and Universal Links, optionally using Firebase Hosting to host your app-site association files.
This migration replaces the following Firebase Dynamic Links features:
Feature Firebase Dynamic Links | App Links | Universal Links
Route users to the correct store for | |
their device from a single link click | Yes | No*
Provide users with a continuation of | |
journey after downloading and | Yes | No*
installing your app using a deferred | |
deep link | |
Provide users with a contextual | |
experience using deep-linked content | Yes | Yes
in your app (when already installed) | |
Provide analytics data related to | Yes | No
dynamic link click events | |
Provide the ability to create short | Yes | No
link URLs | |
If you continue to need other Firebase Dynamic Link features for your migration that aren't supported in this guide, see other migration scenarios in the Dynamic Links Deprecation FAQ documentation.
Suppose you have a Firebase Dynamic Link that looks like this:
Dynamic Link Example
Link name | Welcome to
Deep link |
Android app |
Apple app | com.example.ios
Long Dynamic Link |
Short Dynamic Link |
The goal of this migration guide is to replace Firebase Dynamic Links like this:
With App Link / Universal Link deep links that look like this:
Note that the App Link / Universal Link deep link will provide the following to your users:
However, the App Link / Universal Link deep link will not provide the following behaviors for your users (which Firebase Dynamic Links previously did):
Note the differences in behavior and functionality of these App Links / Universal Links compared to Firebase Dynamic Links called out in the table above.
For more detail see this link
reference: Google Firebase Migration support