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How can I customize the OpenRewrite declarative YAML recipe name, location and split it?

I'm trying out OpenRewrite's declarative YAML format and I got it to work if I put all my recipes in a single file (rewrite.yml) in the root of the project.

So at the moment my demo's tree looks like this:

│   build.gradle
│   gradlew
│   gradlew.bat
│   ...
│   rewrite.yml
│   settings.gradle
│   └───rewrite
│          init.gradle

and I run it like this:

.\gradlew rewriteDryRun --init-script gradle\rewrite\init.gradle "-Drewrite.activeRecipe=my.domein.MyRecipe"

Is there a way to

  • put the rewrite.yml somewhere else, eg under gradle/rewrite/?
  • give an other name, eg my-recipes.yml?
  • group my recipes in seperate files, eg my-recipes-for-issue1.yml, my-recipes-for-issue2.yml, etc?


  • Yes; the recommended pattern there is to fork this repository, and then add your recipes in separate files under src/main/resources/META-INF/rewrite/:

    There's also an exercise that handles this exact topic: