This is my prompt invocation in C#:
var result = await kernel.InvokePromptAsync(prompt, new(executionSettings));
It works like a charm, except if the prompt contains something like this:
{ bla } {{ bla }} { $bla } {{ bla }} {{request}} {{choices.[0]}}
I get a
Unhandled exception. Microsoft.SemanticKernel.KernelException: The function
identifier is empty
This is apparently because {{}}
is used for injecting values or functions.
This document suggest to escape curley braces and here is something about single and double quotes
Is there a build-in way in Semantic Kernel to do the character escaping so I don't wave to write my own? I would prefer not to write my, own because I might get it wrong.
I've not found an "out of the box" solution, so this is what I do, until I find a better way.
prompt = prompt
.Replace("{{", "{{ \"{{\" }}")
.Replace("}}", "{{ \"}}\" }}");